
work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, React, Node.js, MongoDB, and D3

study coding, design, and web development

graduated from Princeton with an English and creative writing degree

competed on Jeopardy!

speak French and Arabic, but not as well as I’d like to

live in New Jersey, have always lived here

cartoon sometimes

That’s about all there is to know for now. Here I am:
I am here, in this photo of me; photo to be added later

A dungeon crawl game—you (the blue dot) roam around collecting health boosts and new weapons, fighting enemies, and portaling to new levels before battling the boss on level 4.

Built with React, HTML, CSS.

Play the game, see the code on Codepen.

A Simon Game, just like the one on the shelf in the administrative office at middle school summer camp. It tests your memory.

Built with jQuery, HTML, CSS.

Relive your childhood, see the code on Codepen.

A simulation of Conway's Game of Life—watch as civilizations rise and fall according to the overpopulation and underpopulation rules, or click to bestow/eliminate life.

Built with React, HTML, CSS.

Play God, see the code on Codepen.

A calculator—you can add 7, multiply by .9, divide by 0.

Built with jQuery, HTML, CSS.

Fiddle with the calculator, see the code on Codepen.

A series of interactive data visualizations.

Built with D3, HTML, CSS.

Interact with the graphs, see the code on Codepen.

< about

terry o’shea

work >